Breath Checker

Breath Checker

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the Breath Checker actually

Top-notch technology in sight! Now the iPhone is able to detect not only your voice, but also the smell of your breath!
...OK, not true. We know you're too smart to believe it ... but your friends may not be so, right?
Laugh at your friends and let them believe they suffer from bad breath: The Breath Checker app will always make you right!
* When your friends try the app, just ask them to follow the instructions. The results will always be smelly and awful.
* When YOU play, instead of following the instructions, press exactly at the left of the button. That way, your results will always be nice and fresh!
Are you ready to have some fun with your friends?

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true breath-rating functionality.

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Reviews Wanted! ! Let's write that it was found by using the Breath Checker