The Purgatory

The Purgatory

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the The Purgatory actually

Will you go to Heaven or Hell?

Find out if you are going to Heaven or Hell.

With this original test you'll be able to find out whether you're being good or bad in life, and therefore, "if you're going to Heaven or Hell".

The PURGATORY application will let you reflect on some things you have probably not wondered about and at the same time it will let you review what is "the right or wrong" that you usually do.

Dare to examine yourself and test your behavior. You'll surely find out that, in a funny way and according to some basic principles defended by the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim religions, there are things you're doing right and others that you don't habitually comply with however.

Are you sure you are really a good person? With this test you'll have no doubts and you'll have a lot of fun.

PURGATORY is an entertainment application. To find detailed information on ethical, philosophical, moral behavior rules, etc..., we advise you to resort to adequate bibliography dealing with the subject in depth.

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