Cerebral hemispheres: how do you use your brain?

Cerebral hemispheres: how do you use your brain?

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Did you know that the left and right hemispheres of our brains process information in different ways? For example, while our left hemisphere is logical and symbolic, our right hemisphere is more intuitive and holistic. Most of us use both sides of our brain, but we usually have a dominant side that influences the way that we solve problems and face life.

With this test you will find out which side of your brain is dominant and you will learn about the way you process information. Are you a list-maker? Are you usually late for appointments? Do you enjoy geometry better than algebra? Based on some simple questions, you will find out your hemisphere dominance and learn how to enhance the way you think.

Are you ready to put your brain to the test?

***Are you left-brained or right brained? became the Nº1 free app in 15 countries, including the US, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Argentina and Chile!***

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