Finger Stomp Lite

Finger Stomp Lite

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the Finger Stomp Lite actually

“New & Noteworthy” and “What’s Hot” in the AppStore ★★★★★
Featured on (“The No.1 website for musicians”) as one
of the “Best music making apps for mobiles.” ★★★★★
#1 in Brazil and South Korea! ★★★★★

Finger Stomp is an innovative instrument app that pays respect to old-school hip-hop, rap and street musicians by putting users in an urban recording studio.

Finger Stomp has included an exciting Practice mode. Users will be able to select up to 5 different tracks (50 tracks for full version) with varying levels of difficulty. In addition, tracks are divided into sections and Users can adjust the tempo to learn authentic street music and Urban old-school beats at their own pace and leisure.

* Are you looking for an easy way to create urban music?
* Do you want to produce urban sounds and street music?
* Have you ever wanted to experiment with street instruments?

If you answered yes to these questions than Finger Stomp is for you.


• Practice Mode – Learn your favorite tunes at your own pace
• 11 Different objects featuring professionally studio created authentic sounds
• 5 different prerecorded beats to practice
• 3D Positioned Sounds
• Utilized Drum Meister beat engine for a seamless and responsive flow.
• Animated Visual Effects

About the Developer: greySox created Drum Meister, a popular Drum app that

▶ Featured in the “Take Me Out” video by Atomic Tom!
▶ Reached #90 in the overall US iTunes App Store
▶ Top 50 in the music category of US, Australia, Italy, Germany, Hong Kong, Korea and 7 other countries.
▶ Top 100 in 22 other countries.

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