The Dinosaur Picture Book

The Dinosaur Picture Book

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the The Dinosaur Picture Book actually

Easy and fun picture book for you to read and share with your kids!

Book Contains:
-Fun Illustrated Dinosaur Pictures
-Encyclopedia Page of each Dinosaur in the picture book
-Easy Navigation From Page to Page

Sample Dinosaur Write Up:

Its flattened, triangular skull was about 25 centimeters long, with a parietal eye, a primitive character, on the crown. The upper and lower jaw each contained one pair of massive canines (the upper pair was larger); the other teeth were smaller, but were also sharp and pointed. In addition, minute, blunt teeth were present on the palatine bones. The lower jaw was widened to form a kind of chin. The long, lightly built, five-toed limbs bore a resemblance to mammals' limbs, but despite its 'mammalian' characteristics, Sauroctonus was not one of the ancestors of mammals.

Its fossils were found in South Africa and in Russia (Volga basin)."

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